Find A PT
Provide location in which services will be provided.
*If not searching by ZIP Code, both city and state are required.
About Find a PT
Find a PT allows you to search a national database of physical therapist members of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for the exclusive purpose of seeking physical therapist services. APTA does not make any warranties regarding the information included in Find a PT.
APTA members can sign up for Find a PT through their member profiles.
Using Find A PT
APTA values the privacy of its members. Accordingly, information in Find a PT cannot be used for: commercial purposes, downloading, obtaining or collating data and surveys, recruitment, solicitations, marketing, promotions, compiling lists, or reproducing or redistributing information. Please note that at APTA’s sole discretion APTA shall block your access to Find a PT for any use that is prohibited.
If you wish to market your product or service to individuals in Find a PT, please see our Advertisers and Exhibitors Page.".